Orthodox Paschal items made and prepared by hand by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Produits et items de Pâques faits à la main par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org

Collection: Lenten & Paschal Collection

Orthodox Lenten & Paschal items hand made and prepared by the sisters of the monastery for the great lent and the joyous feast of Pascha. From Paschal candles to Lenten & Paschal pastries, Holy Week and Pascha service books and much more. Order today!

Paschal Candles
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70 products
Ground Textured Vegetable Protein | Protéine végétale texturée concassée
Ground Textured Vegetable Protein | Protéine végétale texturée concassée
Naturally grown arnica flowers herbal tea without pesticides and fertilizers in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Tisane naturelle de fleurs d'arnica cultivée au Québec sans engrais et pesticides par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Arnica Herbal Tea | Tisane de Fleurs d'Arnica
Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, Russian orthodox custom made icon by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Résurrection du Christ notre Seigneur, icône russe orthodoxe fabriquée par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Resurrection of Christ | Résurrection du Seigneur
Naturally grown lemon balm herbal tea without pesticides and fertilizers in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Tisane naturelle de mélisse cultivée au Québec sans engrais et pesticides par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Lemon Balm Herbal Tea | Tisane de Mélisse
The Departure of the Soul : Reader's Edition
The Departure of the Soul : Reader's Edition
Timeless Orthodox Classic: Abba Dorotheos, Practical teaching on Christian life, Orthodox book sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Abba Dorotheos
Textured vegetable protein chunks sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Textured Vegetable Protein Chunks | Protéine végétale texturée en morceaux
Holy Week and Pascha bilingual orthodox book sold in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Holy Week & Pascha
Sold out
The festive fast, orthodox fasting cookbook sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
The Festive Fast : A Guide to Olive Oil and Vegetarian Cuisine
The lentenTriodion orthodox book sold in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Lenten Triodion
Naturally grown oregano spice and herbal tea without pesticides and fertilizers in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Tisane et épice naturelle d'origan cultivée au Québec sans engrais et pesticides par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Oregano Spice & Herbal Tea | Tisane & Épice d'Origan
Entry into Jerusalem, byzantine orthodox custom made icon by the sisters of monasterevmc.org| Entrée du Christ à Jérusalem, icône byzantine orthodoxe fabriquée par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Entry into Jerusalem Icon | Entrée à Jérusalem - Icône
From $20.00
Sold out
Apple Cardamom Jam
Apple Cardamom Jam
St John's wort herbal tea grown and sold in Canada without pesticides by the sisters of monasterevmc.org/ Tisane de millepertuis cultivée et vendue au Québec par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
St. John's Wort Herbal Tea | Tisane de Millepertuis
The Festal Menaion orthodox  book sold in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Festal Menaion
Naturally grown meadowsweet herbal tea without pesticides and fertilizers in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Tisane naturelle "reine des prés" cultivée au Québec sans engrais et pesticides par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Meadowsweet Herbal Tea | Tisane Reine des Prés
The Great Horologion orthodox church book sold in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
The Great Horologion - Vol. 1
On the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by St. Philaret of Chernigov, Orthodox book sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
On the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ