The Fromagerie

The sisters and their cheese factory!


The contribution of the monastic communities to Quebec’s culinary tradition is reflected by the sisters of the Monastery, who produce an array of fine goat and sheep cheeses and homemade products.Cheese Factory


Established in 2000, the cheese factory “Le Troupeau Bénit” is operated by the sisters and produces over 10 varieties of cheese, from which the renowned goat feta “Fêt’à la Grecque” and St-Mammès, distributed in grocery stores around Quebec.

Cheese making 

Apart from the cheese making the sisters also produce homemade traditional pastries, frozen meals and sweets, pasta… that they sell in their boutique on the Monastery’s site and at some retailers across the province. They also make soaps and lotions, beeswax candles, various handicrafts and religious items, bonbonnieres, baptismal and wedding items, and much, much more, which you can order and purchase online!

Yours to discover!