Orthodox Books

Collection: Orthodox Books

Orthodox books in English, French, Greek for children and adults alike sold by the sisters of the monastery. 

6 produits sur 227
Books_Bible Books:Bible Tout effacer
Holy Bible in Greek, translation in modern Greek, sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Holy Bible in modern Greek
Du $45.00
La Bible version oecumenique de TOB vendue par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
La Bible
Du $32.00
Orthodox new testament in Greek, original text and translation in modern Greek, sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Nouveau Testament orthodoxe en grec
Orthodox Study Bible, complete New & Old Testament orthodox book sold in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Bible d'étude orthodoxe
Holy Bible, in Greek, translated by Neophytos Vamvas   sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
The Holy Bible, Vamvas' Translation in Greek
The Orthodox New Testament, pocket edition sold in Canada by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Bible d'étude orthodoxe