Orthodox Paschal items made and prepared by hand by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Produits et items de Pâques faits à la main par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org

Collection: Lenten & Paschal Collection

Orthodox Lenten & Paschal items hand made and prepared by the sisters of the monastery for the great lent and the joyous feast of Pascha. From Paschal candles to Lenten & Paschal pastries, Holy Week and Pascha service books and much more. Order today!

Paschal Candles
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112 products
New Product
Orthodox Paschal beeswax candle for clergy made by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Chandelle Pascale orthodoxe faite à la main par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org pour le clergé lors du service pascal.
Paschal Candle for Clergy
New Product
Orthodox Paschal beeswax candle made by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Chandelle Pascale orthodoxe faite à la main par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Paschal Candle 34
New Product
Orthodox Paschal beeswax candle made by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Chandelle Pascale orthodoxe faite à la main par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Paschal Candle 33
New Product
Orthodox Paschal beeswax candle made by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Chandelle Pascale orthodoxe faite à la main par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Paschal Candle 32
Orthodox Paschal beeswax candle made by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Chandelle Pascale orthodoxe faite à la main par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Paschal Candle 30
The Ladder of Divine Ascent by Saint John Klimakos orthodox book sold in Canada by the sisters of Greek Orthodox monasterevmc.org
The Ladder of Divine Ascent -St. John Klimakos
After death by Father Vassilios Bakoyiannis
After Death
Sold out
Apple Cardamom Jam
Apple Cardamom Jam
Freeze-dried chives
Freeze-dried chives
Holy Week & Pascha English only edition orthodox book sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Holy Week & Pascha - English book
Beeswax candle with Orthodox Paschal greeting in French made by the sisters of monasterevmc.org for the Resurrection service. Bougies en cire d'abeille avec salutation pascale orthodoxe en français fabriquées au Québec par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
French Paschal Candle
Pure Haskap Berries Jam | Tartinade aux camerises
Pure Haskap Berries Jam | Tartinade aux camerises
Sold out
The festive fast, orthodox fasting cookbook sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
The Festive Fast : A Guide to Olive Oil and Vegetarian Cuisine
Life after Death according to the Orthodox Tradition by Jean-Claude Larchet, orthodox book sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Life after Death According to the Orthodox Tradition
Αλάδωτα - Νηστίσιμες Συνταγές με Βάση το Ταχίνι
Αλάδωτα - Νηστίσιμες Συνταγές με Βάση το Ταχίνι
Orthodox Paschal beeswax candle made by the sisters of monasterevmc.org / Chandelle Pascale orthodoxe faite à la main par les soeurs du monasterevmc.org
Paschal Candle 35
Textured vegetable protein chunks sold by the sisters of monasterevmc.org
Textured Vegetable Protein Chunks | Protéine végétale texturée en morceaux
Ground Textured Vegetable Protein | Protéine végétale texturée concassée
Ground Textured Vegetable Protein | Protéine végétale texturée concassée